
Top 25 Poetry Articles on Substack

Best Poetry Articles

The Lifegiving Benefits of Befriending Our Mortality

A new poem for national poetry month
Sweet Community, As National Poetry Month nears its end, I thought it would be the perfect time to share a very new (and very long) poem I wrote about befriending my mortality and the countless ways that process has increased the joy in my life. If you’ve been subscribed to
Andrea Gibson ∙ 1539 LIKES
Oh. There aren't enough notebooks to contain the tally marks for the number of times the gift of your words have been my compass away from what I'm convinced every time is an inescapable loneliness. I can't wait to see you read in Denver, I bought myself a ticket the day after I came out at 37 as a gift to myself. I'll be the one sobbing in the front row.
Possible titles that come to mind after my fourth read:
I lost my wrinkle collection can I borrow yours?
One Size Fits Awe
Katie Morrison
Name it Brevity.
Thank you for sharing this. My life is so full of love and wonder yet I turn the shoulder to the days, as you say, looking for tomorrow.
I need to be here today. Tomorrow is never promised.

A Line Cook's Rant About... Recipes

The poetry of lived experience
Hello and welcome back to The Recovering Line Cook, the home for my recipes, personal stories, and essays on all things food. I just want to thank those of you who have upgraded to paid subscriptions recently. I am a restaurant cook who loves to write, I don’t have an agent in my corner or any of that business, and your financial support makes this proje…
Wil Reidie ∙ 73 LIKES
Hanne Blank Boyd
My recipe notebooks contain few method notes, usually just enough to remind me of oven temperatures, goal textures, and things I know I’ll forget like “add potatoes at end of cooking so they don’t go to mush damn it.”
One of my favorite cookbooks is from 1911 and is written in Slovenian with a fair bit of German mixed in for fun. Recipes are mostly ingredients lists and method notes often include the phrase “in the usual way.” As in “whip the eggs in the usual way for binding fish,” in a recipe for what I suppose could be called pike quenelles but are (translated) “lake fish dumplings for clear soup.” The recipes are uniformly good. But you do have to know what you’re doing and as for pictures… it was 1911, go whistle.
dl meckes
I hate cooking with recipes. I love the pictures and ingredient lists as a jumping-off point. There is nothing to compare to a keen sense of smell to know when something is done, timers be damned. I was a pro but am now a home cook. Nothing helps my technique more than cooking every day without leaning on favorites. I have retained few cookbooks. Pepin's La Technique takes me almost everywhere I need to go. I'm never happy with my first attempts, and as Mr. Foydel notes, repetition gets you where you want to go. The last thing I do is make it pretty, but I'm not consumed with that.

13ThingsLA: May 8

Poetry, Public Art & Painting for your LA Art Calendar
Featured: Senon Williams The Getty Center’s Poetry in the Garden series continues on Wednesday, May 8 at 2pm with Senon Williams. Musician, painter, poet, and sometimes parade leader Senon Wiliams spent several weekends last year heading up the Sunset Hiking Club
Shana Nys Dambrot and HIJINX ARTS | 13 THINGS LA ∙ 6 LIKES

Doing Theology With Poetry—Abram Van Engen

When I first fell in love with poetry, I had no idea what I was reading. The poem—a compact little thing of two stanzas by Gerard Manley Hopkins—had a series of words that all seemed to make sense individually, but simply confused when they were combined. It was apparent from the beginning, however, that the poet’s goal was not just to convey some kind …
The Rabbit Room ∙ 29 LIKES
Cynthia Ann Storrs
Outstanding analysis with helped me to appreciate so much more! I love the density of poetry-- a poetry says in so few words what it takes the essayist paragraphs to unpack.
Michael Fox
This is one of the most beautiful pieces I have ever read. Not only the poem, but also the lovely literary tour of the poet’s thoughts and words provided by the professor. Thanks for this.

announcing this year's poetry theme!

words are hope
Friends, If you’re new here, you might not know that every year we have something at The Liminality Journal called a poem a day in the month of may. It’s almost May, everyone, and I am so ready to lean into a practice of poetry writing with you! It’s one of my favorite things. Each day throughout the month of May, I’ll sen…
Kaitlin Curtice ∙ 74 LIKES
Kathryn A. LeRoy
Hope is a sacred word. A word that reminds me of endless possibility. Thanks for the inspiring theme.
Karri Temple Brackett
So excited!!!

5 ways my poetry brings me an income

And how you can make art and then use it - inadvertently - to sell courses and get new coaching or consultancy clients.
A few years back, I decided to be a poet for a year. I wanted to see if I could be a proper creative and earn an income from it. I discovered that I can do that (I earned £800 in my first week) but that monetising my poetry directly had a negative impact on my inspiration.
Annie Ridout ∙ 32 LIKES
Nicole Jensen
This post took me happily spinning down the rabbit hole of all things Annie Ridout! Thank you for all the links of inspiration and motivation!
Tuğba Avci
This sounds cool. So, will the how-to launch an online course be part of this course? As it says, five courses included

April is for Crying (and Poetry)

my collaboration with Drew Jackson, Seattle tears, and BBQ pork
April is for crying in public, or maybe it’s just me. Every year around this time I fly to Seattle to spend a few days with my favorite people at the Inhabit conference. As part of the Parish Collective fellowship, I’m always asked to contribute in some way. Being in that room each April, among people who see the world through the lenses of faith and pl…
Shannan Martin ∙ 41 LIKES
Beth Mork
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing about parish collective as well.
What a beautiful theme to pray into. Solidarity. This is my favorite quote so far. So true. So beautifully Jesus. Reframes it all for me when I pay attention. Thank you!
His life was tuned to the rhythm of ordinary, relentless, togetherness. Slow and often boring.
He shows us a way of being that it so basic, we risk missing its magic
Megan Sciarrino
Thank you for sharing these stunning words and a bit about how you stitched them together across long roads and shared sky.
I’m holding onto this one for sure. ⭐️

Make Money with Poetry

In which I make ink for an International Poetry Prize
I try to apply colors like words that shape poems, like notes that shape music. —Joan Miro
Toronto Ink Company ∙ 40 LIKES
Michelle Lubash
I'm not a poet, although I've written some poems (of the variety that mostly speak to me). But have always felt that poetry is the only kind of writing I could ever possibly do, should I ever seriously try to. I get why you feel that ink making and poetry making are related - both seem to involve distillation and essences and illumination, or putting one's finger exactly on the tender point.
Lisa de Nikolits
I’m so curious why the crushed pink carnations wasn’t allowed. I agree - the stories it held!
I’m a constant, enthusiastic and consistently failed poet.
I’m also concerned about money. I also realized last year, what with the relentless march of the AI (among other factors), that I just couldn’t hack being a graphic designer/art director in the corporate world any more. I just don’t have the stomach for it.
So I got a grant and now I’m six months into becoming a PSW. Last week was my first stint in the LTC home and I’m already in love with all my residents and I just want to look after them forever.
This course is insane though - the sheer volume of materials - and I’m not used to studying and I’ll be so relieved if I can pass the exam in July and have my life back.
My idea was to do something more meaningful while hoping that the tide of the small book presses will turn so I can carry on writing my oddball books (self publishing isn’t an option I want to explore - I’m not judgy, it’s just not my thing).
Finding a new publisher may be a futile dream and my authorly life may well die along with my once having been a magazine art director which was, for 24 years, the reason I got out of bed.
Anyway!! Sorry!! This is just to say (and no, it’s not about the plums), that we have to somehow forge on, forage on - and keep creating and writing.
And I ❤️ Poetry Forever.

Terrified of poetry? Why yes, I am.

My experience with poetry and a review of Maya Popa's new collection
Welcome to Beyond the Bookshelf, a community of readers and writers sharing unique perspectives on life and literature through thought-provoking essays, captivating interviews, and influential books as we explore the challenges of life's transformative journey.
Matthew Long ∙ 98 LIKES
Maya C. Popa
I am floored by this beautiful, thoughtful, generous review and loved reading all of your personal reflections AND the useful historical context. Thank you, thank you. 🫶🏼
Kristine Neeley
I think one of the great beauties of poetry is that no matter what we believe about it (and ourselves in relation to it), it’s really only asking us to bear witness to it. For a long time, I forgot that poetry is less about what it meant to (or about) the author when it was written, than it is about what it brings up in and the meaning it takes on for the reader.
Thanks for sharing this review with us!

The Source of Poetry

An Homage to Poet and Mentor Linda Gregg (Sept 9, 1942 – Mar 20, 2019)
On the first day of graduate poetry workshop with Linda Gregg in 2006, I was surprised when she began class by talking about her daily practice of walking around her neighborhood (NYC’s East Village), and then went around the room so that each of us—by way of introduction—could share what we did for exercise. Though I don’t remember her exact words, the…
Sarah Rose Nordgren ∙ 9 LIKES
Shana Youngdahl
Beautiful! I've loved Linda Gregg's poems for a long time and it is wonderful to read about who she was as a teacher and friend--it's inspired me as both writer and teacher today. Thank you!

What is a poetry magazine for?

Or rather, for whom? A review of "The Poetry Review"
I was wondering this week why I almost never see reviews of literary magazines and poetry journals themselves. On the face of it, such reviews would be helpful, since magazines are the main venue in which poets publish new work for the first time, and there’s a bafflingly enormous number of them, both in print and (increasingly) online, each with their …
Victoria ∙ 33 LIKES
Nicholas Murray
This was a very fair and judicious review. I am far less tolerant and skim most of Poetry Review these days, finding it of little interest. A poet friend of mine says he subscribes to certain magazines in the spirit in which one buys a bunch of charity raffle tickets: to show willing. Part of the problem may be that there is such a high turnover in editors that slowly building a magazine’s character/personality doesn’t happen. That takes time. But behind this is a much bigger problem of the lack of consensus about what is good and bad in contemporary poetry. We don’t want uniformity or bossiness but some convincing sense of what might matter is the basis of any decent, intelligible criticism.
Joseph Conlon
Another terrific article. I would comment that the combination of narrowness and emphasis on diversity does not seem at all paradoxical in contemporary British intellectual culture. The parts of universities, for example, with explicit focus on diversity also seem to be those parts where the greatest monoculture exists in terms of worldview.
Looking at the prizewinners and commended poets in the competitions the Poetry Society run (e.g. their Nation Poetry Competition and Young Poets competition) the same kind of 'house style' seems to exist as for Poetry Review, in terms of a focus on identity and a strong preference for free verse. Indeed, this preference seems so marked that something like a regular sonnet would seem to stand out as much as the late Queen wearing hotpants.
I try as hard as possible to extend maximal charity to those with different tastes than my own, on the presumption that they see things I miss, but it does seem a shame that a body with such an explicit mission to promote the totality of poetry elevates so strongly forms that have cut ties with essentially all English verse prior to about 1920 and much of what comes after.

Data-Informed Design

The data-design poetry department; dilemma & anthology how-to guide.
Hi, I’m Felix! Welcome to this week’s ADPList’s Newsletter; 🔒 subscriber-only edition 🔒 weekly advice column. I write high-quality insights on designing products people love and leadership in tech. If you’re interested in sponsoring us, let’s chat!
Felix Lee ∙ 30 LIKES

This Week's Writing 5/10/24

Stormy Daniels' testimony, protestors and the media, lots of poetry.
Hello all! As I say with some frequency, thank all of you for reading my work and supporting me…and if you aren’t paying for a sub, consider doing so? It’s $50/year, $5/month. It keeps me scribbling! Here’s what I published this week: If you read one thing by me this week, read
Noah Berlatsky ∙ 23 LIKES

How to Make Poetry Comics

Six Exercises in Creating
To celebrate National Poetry Month and the publication of my book POETRY COMICS, I’m sharing this post from one year ago. If you’re inspired to use these exercises in your creative practice or in the classroom, please share them and tag me on social media @grantdraws—or tag
Grant Snider ∙ 172 LIKES
Binu Sivan
I have never tried sketching my poems! I think I may be able to do it for a poem of mine called Cats. I will do it and tag you :). Thanks for this lovely article. It's making my 51 year old brain excited to try something new.
Olivia Truong
Thank you for the guidance, i would love to share it for little kids

Poems as Teachers

Conflict and the Human Condition
Dear friends, At the end of 2023, I asked if you had particular questions about poetry or Poetry Unbound. Occasionally, I delve into that treasure trove of queries and use it as inspiration for the weekly newsletter. However, there were some questions that felt like they deserved more attention, namely questions about poetry and conflict:
Pádraig Ó Tuama ∙ 116 LIKES
Thomasin LaMay
I've followed this substack for a long time, but never made a comment. But I wanted to share how writing a poem can be an act of mutual healing in violent spaces. I teach in a trailer school in Baltimore with teens who are in very challenging neighborhoods, and one way we work out disagreements when they happen is for them to write a poem together about their differences -- make it one poem even if it contains disagreement. I do lots of other writing with them, but this one has led to lots of openness. A few weeks ago one team then used the erasure technique to make the poem, in their words "take out the hate but leave the hurt."
Jonathan Auyer
I am so looking forward to these episodes. I always try to incorporate art into the classes that I teach, especially when the classes don’t directly deal with art— it affords students a chance to re-orient themselves to new sets of experiences, to apply past learning to new contexts, to embody their knowledge and experiences.
But poetry is so my wheelhouse , and it is such a challenge for me to discuss. I don’t really know how to analyze or interpret it. Maybe it’s a fear of feeling like I need the answers before I pose the questions, and as Pádraig wrote, poetry isn’t here to give us the answers.
So I’ll throw a question back to the Substack crew: how would you introduce poetry in a non-poetry class?

Self Care for Writers of Tough Poetry!

You Do Not Have to Suffer (Much) For Your Art
by Clare ShawShaw and Moore is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber. I think the title of this essay would make a good name for an album of fairly self-conscious folk-rock music by men with beards. But in actual fact, it just does what it says. Because the myth of the tortur…
Clare ∙ 12 LIKES
Bethan Rees
I love this. You are true ambassador for therapeutic writing!
Ann Grant
This was a great blog and I loved your list. My list includes deep breathing practice, watching Ted Lasso, cuddling my dog Barbara, going for a walk and shadow boxing xxx

5 Quick Things #328 ✍️

commonplace notebooks, distributism, men + poetry, & support your local bookshop
Hey there, I don’t know where you’re at while you’re reading this (mentally and emotionally, I mean), but if you’re a metaphysical neighbor of mine, you’re spent. My boys have two weeks left of classes and three weeks left of homeschooling with me (hello, Vietnam War, end of the Cold War, and 9/11 — so, low-key chill topics), Tate comes home from her fir…
Tsh Oxenreider ∙ 73 LIKES
Dixie Dillon Lane
So glad to see you highlighting Annelise's series! I get so frustrated with the constant calls to "reduce your stress" that come with absolutely zero bits of realistic advice for how to do that. This series is the opposite of that!!
I am with you on feeling spent...and also on longing for the opportunities of the summer ahead.
Thank you so much for this!
It is wildly comforting to know that so many of us are just trying to sort through stress and find time to do all of the things (or to stop doing all the things).
I am always so appreciative of how things slow down in Lent and I focus on less and take in less... then Eastertide comes and I hit the ground running like one of those pull-back racer cars on overdrive!
Also... where is that incredible Tolstoy quote from?? I think that I need to read the entire piece.
God Bless you and your family,

The other ...

... as the lens to view the self
Dear friends, I hope this finds you well. I am back in Ireland this week, opening the post that arrived while I was away and enjoying the familiar familiar. We are deep in prep for a small mini season of Poetry Unbound that’ll be released later this month — we’ll be publishing several episodes ov…
Pádraig Ó Tuama ∙ 143 LIKES
Patrick Watters
Excerpts from Little Gidding by TS Eliot
We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.
Not known, because not looked for
But heard, half-heard, in the stillness
Between two waves of the sea.
Quick now, here, now, always–
A condition of complete simplicity
(Costing not less than everything)
And all shall be well and
All manner of thing shall be well (Julian)
When the tongues of flames are in-folded
Into the crowned knot of fire
And the fire and the rose are one.
Holy Homesickness — Center for Action and Contemplation https://cac.org/daily-meditations/holy-homesickness/
Karen Ehrens
Ok, I am crying after reading a few of the “other” poems recommended by Pádraig this week including one of his own. I encourage all to read them.

When You Destroy the Tools of Creativity

Lessons from Apple and what Bluey can teach us about trust and agency
I am back! Apologies for the delay! My first book is coming out at the end of the month (you can preorder here, get a signed copy here, and/or enter a giveaway here, if you’d like) Oh, Apple Apple released an ad to highlight their new iPad Pro with the M4 chip
kyla scanlon ∙ 101 LIKES
Neil Winward
If you haven't yet (oh no another addition to the reading list), Neil Howe's The Fourth Turning is Here has some insights on the generational aspect of why trust is declining. I am still not sure about his juxtaposition of the linear approach to life - we have agency to keep the futurer moving in a line - versus cycles - we move within them and they outweigh our agency (though don't remove it entirely). Glad you are back to the newsletter...
"Work on media literacy. Work on financial literacy. Education is a toolkit, and we have forgotten that, I think."
Fighting nihilism is such an uphill battle, getting people to read and research and educate themselves is a struggle in of itself. And then to have optimism in spite of that education! "If you stare too long into the abyss, the abyss stares back." The more you learn, the harder it gets to strive for the silver lining. But, I think it's the responsibility of us optimists to do a better job of painting that future we want to see come true rather than hyping up the doom.
"With every future we wish to create we must first learn to imagine it." - Chen Qiufan

Passover Poetry Salon--Part II

Jenny Barber's gorgeous poems--a small selection
I remember when I first read Rigging the Wind by Jennifer Barber more than twenty years ago. I desperately wanted to talk about these poems of the Spanish Inquisition, conversos, prophecy, time, and quiet with someone; instead, I ended up reviewing the book for
Aviya Kushner ∙ 5 LIKES


We received quite a number of poems for our contest celebrating National Poetry Month. The assignment was to write a two stanza poem that talked about the love of words and poetry. Our winning poems are listed below.Untitled 'Tis nearly too much to ask Of most any mortal hand To lift the pen for such a grand, Supremely glorious task. Yet summit this he…
Garrison Keillor ∙ 42 LIKES

Prompt 293. On the Floor

& the poet Joy Sullivan on prayer
Hi friend, These last few weeks, I’ve been spending long days in my studio, pushing myself quite hard. Painting in large format has been wonderfully challenging but also exhausting. Each day I reach a point when my body feels leaden, when my mind is all “blankness and junk” (
Suleika Jaouad ∙ 250 LIKES
Nancy Shebeneck
To pray, no words are necessary.
Be still in the silence.
Listen. Breathe.
You will know.
Lisa Philip
A few years ago TIJ had a prompt asking us to compose a prayer. I just revisited what I wrote at the time. To sum up the prayer I composed I prayed for happiness, health and freedom for all. For the ability to give others the benefit of the doubt. The capability to hear both sides of a story without rushing to judgement. The willingness to be kind to others and to treat them as we would want to be treated ourselves. The ability to be patient and compassionate with those whose decisions we feel are harmful to them and the capability to be empathetic towards those who are not ready to change. Finally I asked for the willingness to forgive those who have wronged me even if they are not sorry so as not to experience the pain of holding a grudge. These are all things I pray for. And aspire to. Another part of prayer I find very important is taking the time to be grateful for what I have already even though I may be going through difficult times.
I recently returned from a trip to Italy with my husband. Italy is the land of churches. We visited countless churches and one beautiful synagogue. At every church my husband stopped to pray. Sometimes I too prayed alongside him, but I also took the opportunity to appreciate the beauty and age of these buildings.We saw several churches that were built as early as 386 CE. The fact that people were able to build these massive buildings with so few tools and that the buildings are still standing albeit with additions and repairs is awe inspiring. The depth of belief in God and the beauty of the artwork depicting those beliefs are indescribable.
I do not know exactly what prayer is and to whom I am praying, but for me it is important to try to take the time to be grateful for what I have, to wish the best for others and to appreciate that I am but a small speck in time and in the universe.

My personal journey towards self-minimalization

Podcast 48 - "Lovers are real, families are real. Demonstrators, not so much."
These days we’re in the era of the Personal Position Statement as we saw in the recent National Book Awards ceremony in New York. There is no NBA for humor because the event is all about Taking Ourselves Very Seriously As Compensation For Slights We Have Suffered From The Uncomprehending World. The winner of the poetry prize, a man from Guam, accepted i…
Garrison Keillor ∙ 125 LIKES
Ed McShane
You do good work
E. Jean Carroll
Good one, Mr. Keillor!

Then They Came For Rafah

Dystopian distractions are turning eyes away from an atrocity.
I’m of the belief that two things can be true. People are complex, containing multitudes that lend to both trivial and significant. The issue is—in the United States—trivial seems to be winning. Handedly. One cannot help but observe the grand spectacle that…
Frederick Joseph ∙ 209 LIKES
Maria Constantine
Dear Sir: I don't think Israel is committing genocide by invading Rafah. I think it is legitimate and an act of war against its own attacker. Hamas is not a legitimate governing body. They are not interested in Palestinian welfare at all otherwise they wouldn't use human shields. They would prepare a space underground for Palestinian civilians just as they did for themselves. The Jews did this in ancient times when they were attacked by the Romans. However, Hamas doesn't give a d for the children. Israel has the right to war defensively against Hamas. Yes, civilians will be killed. 8 million Germans were killed in Allied invasion of Germany and Germany had not invaded our country. The one thing I am critical of Israel about is the siege of Gaza, the starving of the population. I agree that that is a war crime. But Hamas in using rape as a weapon against Israel is also committing a war crime and Hamas is the one that started this war. I consider Hamas to be totally illegitimate. And whatever you think about Israel, I will NOT allow an entity to inflict an Islamic totalitarian government on me. PERIOD> American is democratic and religiously free. And it is staying that way. Israel does NOT kill Muslims 20% of its people are Muslims. In GAZA what percent are Jewish? Can a Gazan child convert to Judaism if he wants to? OR Christianity??? You can in Israel. Regards, Maria
The Marigold Effect
Thank you for using your gift for writing to keep us focused on what harms us all.